
Showing posts with the label Grayling

Grayling Fishing On Shallow Water Stick Floats

Trying out my new Shallow Water Stick Floats has been over due. I fancied catching a few grayling so sorted out a few shallow rigs, got my maggots and bread prepared, loaded up the car and hit the road. Now.......I have not had much luck wader wise on this river...... The first time I fell in head first, tripping over an un-seen submerged boulder !!! The second time I discovered I had a hole in my waders and one leg was soaked all day long. This time I had new waders on but it didn't stop me getting a freezing cold wet leg in the first five minutes !!!!!! Note to self...... DON'T BUY CHEAP WADERS !!!!!  As I stood mid river I should see the tell tale ripples and bubbles of trout and grayling taking flies from the surface, so, plenty of fish in the swim I thought. I was fishing with an 8 no 4s shallow water stick float with a fluorescent red tip, easily visible under the overhanging sycamore trees. It took around fifteen minutes for my first fish, a l

Grayling Bobbers

I was asked to make some  grayling bobbers  for a friend.  I have to be honest and say there is not much difference between these and my standard  perch bobbers accept that the stems are weighted to help with casting and to present the bait properly in running water. These are finished in fluorescent red / pink and orange with black, gold and purple thread plus a jay feather for decoration. I hope you like them. 😁 The smaller bobbers take around 3 AAA. The larger, orange grayling bobber takes around 6AAA TTFN   Peanut.      If you would like to look at my handcrafted  click on the link below.        Join our club......Its FREE  !!!!!!!   

Winter Sunshine Ladies and A Bar Of Gold

Today saw me on another river session fishing a  little shallow river trying out my new " Irwell Stick Floats " once again. Donning my old leaky waders ( I must get some new ones soon ) I waded down the river, without falling in this time. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Knowing the river a little better I was fishing within a minute and hooked into my first grayling within 5. She was a belting fish to nudging the 2lb mark at a guess.   After nursing back to full fitness, which did take a while. I had another trot down the same run and guess what !!!!!! the float buried again half way down and " Whollop " I was into another. 😁😁😁😁😁😁 I played her a littler harder than the last so she was fitter when returned. Not one of my better picture but she was a lovely lady a little bigger than the first. She looked cool on the release though. 😁 After the second fish the swim died but the run was FULL of fish taking n

A New River With New Irwell Sticks & The Ginger Assassin

John Derbyshire has been inviting me to go grayling fishing with him for months. I had not taken him up on his offer for a number of reasons, work, family, weather etc You all know the score !!!!!! Yesterday I finally got organised and went with him to a new ( for me ) north west river. The good thing about having fishing mates is when you have not seen for a while you both have stacks of things to talk about. We never stopped talking and laughing all the way to the venue. When we arrived we set up at the car, donned our waders and walked across the field to the river. As we approached the river John pointed out a foxes den, ( I am always interested in learning about nature on our rivers ) and  thought he could smell the foxes musk or scat or something or other !!!!!!!! Taking the mickie I replied... " Jeeeeesus Christ !!!!!!!! I'm fishing with  A Ginger Crocodile Dundee" Hahahahahahhah !!!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 We both rolle