Day 3 River Wye - Johns Turn

Morning all.

Waking up this morning feeling every bone in my body aching form the last couple of days I decided not to fish but to help John get a barbel on the float.

It had proved more difficult than we both anticipated but having some success the day before we were feeling quietly confident of a hook up.

For this session we were back to the Wye Lea stretch, fishing from a croy as I did the previous day.

The chosen run was further down stream with a lttle more even flow, much easier to run a float through that the previous one the day before.

I borrowed John my set up and he was fishing withing 10 minutes.

John balled in some ground bait and steadily feed pellt with meat on a size 6 hook as bait.

After another 10 minutes Johns float thumped under at the end of the trot. The Harrison SU doubled over in protest. I thought we had cracked it straight way.

After a few more minutes John shook his head and said " Nar. it's a chub mike, a good one, but a chub.

I did the honours and netted the golden flanked Wye chub. A lovely fish but not what John was after.

After a rest John quickly un-hooked her, took a quick picture, rested again then she was off back to her watery home.

"At least I've not blank shouts John" with more than a little irony his voice!!

So, "come on, back to it" said I. I feed the swim while John baited up his hook once more.

We were stood heal to heal at the end if the croy fishing a rod length out on a 

6g Barbel Stick Float.

I was feeding while John was fishing. It's a very sociable way to fish if one person is not that bothered about fishing, or, you want to share a rod and swap when a fish is caught. We have done this many times on smaller rivers but never one the size of the Wye.
Happy Harry.....lmao.

Four hours later after lots of chub we were still barbelless!!!!

We tried everything we could think of to bag a beard but to no avail!!!

A little dissapointed we packed up.

It had been a good fishing break and one we will remember.

Plans are in the making for another trip next year, may be back to the Wye. 

We shall see.



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