JW Young BJ Centerpin 2080 Gift

 Hi all.......

I have been extremely busy at work the last few months and lost my fishing mojo for a while. 


A friend of mine whom I have fished with only once overheard me in the pub talking of my love for fishing the pin for grayling and chub in our northern rivers and how I would love a bob james real to go with my Acolyte.

" I have one you can have mike.....I never use it" said Ronnie. 

I said "Cheers mate, that would be great"  not really thinking much of it !!!!!!!

A week later later I got a call of another pal, Mumfy telling me Ronnie is on holiday but he has a reel for me.

Not expecting much I went to pick it up off  Mr Mumf.

"Look at what a Ronnie has kindly given me......I think a bunch of floats is in order for this beauty !!!!!!

This is a pic of the time Ronnie &  I fished together. Unfortunately no pic of Ronnie here but Mumfy is behind me.
We where at Moss Farm Fisheries. Here's the bog link to the day.

Honestly the kindness of some some people still astounds me.

Cheers Ronnie. 



Just had a play with it. A little bit of lubrication does wonders !!!!!!!



 If you would like to look at my handcrafted  click on the link below.     https://purplepeanut007.blogspot.com/2017/01/handcrafted-floats-and-fishing.html?m=1  

    Join our club......Its FREE  !!!!!!! 


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