A Sneaky Lifter Special . 😉

I have up  graded my . . . .

" Sneaky Lifters "

People say its the little things that make all the difference and I believe it is true with regards to my Sneaky Lifter Floats.

I have replaced some of my black silk to a finer grade and also replaced some of it with metallic gold. The foats that have a yellow segment also glow in the dark. 😊

 I think it is quite striking but I will let you decide for your selves.

" Sneaky Lifters " 

are designed for shy biters where a little finesse is required and used in conjuction with a variation of the lift method.
I have watched big roach hover over my hook bait, suck up the maggot and drain it dry without so much as a dip registering on the float. " Sneaky Lifters combat this by  fishing at dead depth with a no 8 about an inch and a half away from the hook. 
This will indicate a bite by either going under or lifting sightly as the fish sucks up the bait from the lake bed.

The two coloured segments and fine black lines clearly indicate any slight movement when fishing small baits using this method. I will be trying this one and also this

" Tinca Stick "

out next week so stay tuned for a few fishy pictures hopefully. Lol

Until the next time . . . . .



If you would like to look at my handcrafted floats just hit the link below.


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