Inserted Stick Float- Silver Session - Tony Peet takes It Through Its Paces.

Tony Peet very kindly took my " Inserted Stick Float " For a testing session. Below are the results of his findings. 😊 " I decided to have a quick go on the River Ribble this morning. The sun was just rising and with a clearish sky, I knew I would need to make the most of the first few hours of the day. The swim I picked was quite deep and the flow about half walking pace. I had decided to fish two lines, one a rod length or so out about 6ft deep, the other would be mid river 11ft. Before I set up in a swim I know I normally feed it. I was loose feeding hemp corn and maggot. Straight way I had a problem. I had took my best catapult out last week and not replaced it 😣. The only one I had was my winter maggot one for short range feeding. Not the best start!! I managed twenty or so mini pouches of bait and BANG the elastic broke!! Well, I had got some corn across and I could feed the near line by hand, but it didn'...