
Showing posts from April, 2016

20,000 Hits on My Blog.

I would just like to thank all my readers for taking the time out to read my stories and look a my floats. Never in my wildest dreams did I think it would be this popular. I only started it as a diary really, so, many thanks to you all for participating. Me and my son Joe below, alas he had never been bitten by the angling bug....😞😢😪 The picture was on our first night out in the pubs in Manchester last year. A good night. One of the pubs I took him to was the Mark Addy. A good job to as it was flood out two days later. We are due a night out together. It could get messy.....lmao....🍺🍺🍺 TTFN Peanut. 

Pearlescent Feather Inlays

" Salford Pete " has just treated himself to a new camera. It is a Cannon EOS 1200D So,  of  course,  we straight in there taking pictures of Pearlescent I am trying to get across how the appear in direct sunlight. The pearlescent particles really jump out at you. I will periodically be adding photos to this page to , hopefully show you all cose ups of Pearlescent Inlays. A JAY FEATHER WITH A COBALT PEARLESCENT. 😊 Not a feathered pearlescrnt but the body of the Barbel Stick Floats has the pearlescent instead. I was worried it may look a little blingy but it is quite subtle. I like it. 😉 This is a Fully loaded Pellet Waggler with a Perlescent Blue effect. I took this with my phone camera. Can yoy dee a difference in picture quality ?

Trudex Centerpin Restoration - Should I Or Shouldn't I ?????

A while ago I was given an old " Youngs Trudex " centerpin reel by Derek Kenyon. ( AKA Casterman ) It was in very poor condition when I initially received it and would not spin one full revolution but with a little time and research I have managed to turn it into MORE than a decent runner, in fact, with a little more work I think it will be my "  go to " reel for short Irwell sessions this summer  ( If I can get away from work ). I placed it on my state of the art Drennen Acolyte Plus. They felt made for each other. The balance was REALLY good but I will hold judgement until I can test drive the pair on the opening day of the river season. If I do not get chance to go to Bridgenorth on the River Severn then the pair will get their first date on the River Ribble or if staying local the River Irwell ....... ( Little Britain Anglers ) Here is the Trudex. Spins well enough for a test drive I think....😊 Here is a quick video to ...

Peanuts Bobbers In Thailand !!!!!!!!!!!

My Bobbers are becoming well travelled........!!!!!!!! JaySS has just returned from Thailand and was using  one of my bobbers for catching his live bait. I am over the moon with the pictures JaySS, thanks for taking the time out from your holiday to take some snaps for me. I really appreciate it pal. This is his email I received this morning : " Hi Mike.  I spent some time in Thailand with one of your floats seeking live bait, and generally passing the time when nothing was biting. So I coined the word ......  "Peanutting"    especially for messing about in the margins.  Hope you don't mind. So ( this may take more than one email )    I will attached a few photos of fish caught with one of your floats.   I also hooked 3 other fish  on 5 pound line and a 14's hook and miniscule baits, that took off for the horizon. At least 100 yards runs.    In all three cases I had brought them approximate...