
Showing posts from 2016

" The Creature Reacher " A Custom Made, Hand Built Float Rod By Andrew " The Wizard " Boyne

I have been lucky enough to meet many talented people over the last two years. A chap called “ Andrew Boyne “ was one of these such people. Andrew is a talented angler and has a 15lb plus River Ribble barbel to his name. Not to mention the River Irwell brown trout record with a 10 lb plus fish. Andrew and I did a little testing on the Ribble one day when I noticed one of Andrew lovely tip rods. “ Where did you get that rod “ I asked? “ I built it myself Mike, here, have a proper look “. I did just that and it was looòovely. I have made a few rods in the past but nothing like this. “ Do you like it Mike ?  I’ll make you one if you like " !!!!!!!! I nearly fell off my chair !!!!!!!!!!! Are you serious !!!!!!!!!!!!! " Deadly "  came Andews forthright reply. Over the next few weeks we had numerous conversation regarding my style of fishing, venues I fish and my requirements for the new rod build At first I decided on a shorter ...

New Float Pattern For Me - A Five StepppedTreble Feather Inlay, Inseted Waggler

I have wanted to put my mark on a traditional stepped inserted waggler for quite some time now but I never seemed to get round to it. Recently I purchased various new threads,  so, as per usual I started a pair then put them to one side them so I could re-visit them at my leisure.  Eventually I got round to whipping them just as my new threads arrived.  Good timing aye !!!!!!! This pattern lends itself to more than one feather and as you have probably guessed I like a feather or two on my floats.  I tried a little free styling and came up with the design below.  I am not 100 % happy with it as there are a few minor changes I would make but all in all not a bad result for my first attempt at a  . . . . .  .  Traditional  Treble Feather Inlay Stepped  Inserted Waggler . It is a general float for all different types of species but lends itself to maggot and caster style of fishing I hope you ...

Teaching The Newbies New Tricks On L.B A.

For the last few months I have been trying to get John Derbyshire to join Little Britain Anglers. Two weeks ago I showed him and his pal Paul Johnson around our little club. Both were impressed with the set up and promised to join in a couple of weeks time. Today was that day. . . . . I arrived at 08.15 having already organised our session with Eric Owen & Mick Doddman. The lads weren’t their when I arrived so I took the decision to fish an un-favoured peg. “ The Sunken Tree Peg “  (The one I caught my first  Irwell chub on in fact) Leaving the fliers for the newbies. 😉 I decided after a quick try to put my favoured Irwell sticks back in my bag and took out a loafer as the pace of this peg is fierce to say the least as the run is spawned from some shallow rapids bellow the willow peg. It is a very difficult peg to fish on the float. The river cuts into the near side where there is a submerged tree. This peg screams big fish but only fish to ab...

A Pair Of Old Reels Give A New Lease of life.

I was luck enough to be given a Trudex and A Mitchell Match 440A by  . . . .  " The Casterman " last year. These reels were in desperate need of refurbishment but I have neither the time nor the skill to accomplish this so they were used as they were, well, the Trudex was. " The Mitchell was in a right state " A chance viewing of the Trudex on one of my float pictures ignited the interest of a reel refurbisher named  . . . . . . .  " Victor Homewood " . . . . and he kindly offered to refurbish them both in exchange for a float or two. 😉 Here are the reels in their sorry state . . . . . . Trudex Mitchell Match 440A And here they are now.  😊😊😊😊 Trudex Mitchell Match 440A I am more than happy with the results Victor. I may even be christening the Trudex on Sunday at L.B.A. on the Irwell with John Derbyshire & his pal Paul. PS : Victor has just contacted me and sa...