The Sneeky Lifter - The Christaning .......

I have been waiting for this day for a couple of weeks now. It was time to test out my new float. I have christend it...........

" The Sneeky Lifter " 


you will find out as you read...... 

As I was shotting up I put two BB on to lock the float then a no'1, a no'6,  and  no'8 was then added dropper shot. I have started to get to grips with my old local lake and started getting into my feeding routeen.

The fish always  come on the drop at first. rudd, and roach mainly. Good flbusy fishing if thats your thing. I put just one no'8 3/4 of the way down the line. It was fast and furious from the off . I didn't get a chance to test the float properly as it just kept flying under. Lots of small rudd and roach obliged. The float was

 VERY SENSITIVE............

Somewhere between a Canal Grey & a Stillwater Blue.

After an hour the smaller fish start to get pushed out and the larger fish usually move in, generally, on the deck at first.

For the last fifteen minutes the bites were  just bobbs and that was it. I would retreive my " Sneeky Lifter "  and all that was left was a maggot skin. The time had come to put the new float through its paces in the way it was designed , the Lift Method. 9I slid the no'6 shot that was with my bulk shot around my float down back to back with the no'8 and moved them both down so they were approximately both  3" from the hook - This will make the float rise when a fish sucks up the bait. I did not have to wait long for the shy biters to show.
Next chuck in the float cocked to the last white segment then slid down past the black and green , just leaving it dotted to show the pink tip. After about 40 seconds the float rose slowly, up to the black segment........  juddered, then rose again showing the green, a crisp strike and i was in. 

My Sneeky Lifter

The Conni X showed a healthy bend and the fish started taking line. It wasn' t a large fish, an F1 about a pound. Brilliant,  just what I thought, sneeky F1's were sucking and blowing my bait. A few very nice roach folowed two were staight under bites and all the rest were lifts. I cast out again and within a minute my float was doing the hokey cokey again. Up, down up, down and then a higher lift up to the green segment, I struck into somethink that felt a little different in the fight. Within a minute she was in the net. Not big at all but lovley to me. It was a crucian carp. These tricksy bliters are always giving me the run around but thanks to my new 

" SneekyLifter " 

the odds are stacked more in my favour !!!!!!!!!!!

I was only fishing for three hours and it was quite  windy but the fish kept coming. I had deffinately increased my catch to bite ratio by changing tact and fishing the lift method with a very fine tipped float which is segmented to show the degree of lift more clearly. Good size silvers were now falling to the new float, good skimmers to.

Salford Pete then turned up with a bacon butty wrapped in tinfoil.......great dads arn't they..................

He asked how it was going. I quickly went through the last couple of hours. He nodded his approval and said ...............

 " Have I got one of them son ???????

My reply was instant.........

" Of course Dad "

 I replied....

Salford Pete's Sneeky Lifter

My time was now up and a few pictures for the blog were in order.

Salford took a few of me while I did the honours with the fish and float.

Love my Merlin Mordex Centerpin.
 Thanks for the recommendation Victor Homewood.

The Sneeky Lifter with its first

This little perch was a very angry young man !!!!!!!
Spiked me three times.
I must be getting careless in my old age...

One of the rudd hords.....

All in all a very successfull initial dip.for the " Sneeky Lifter ". Great at short range - up to two rod lengths out.

I got the name

" Sneeker Lifter "

off something my dad mentioned last time we fished together.

He said " These carp and big silvers are only giving me a little sneeky lift bite and then they are gone "

Hence the name

" Sneeky Lifter "

Thought I would clear that up........

Just increased the ",Sneeky Lifter family a little  :)

.................. .

If you would like to look at all of the hand crafted floats I make please click on the link below and it will take you to my float page.




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