Straight Wagglers In Olive Green.

Morning all, I have, today, finished a prial of Sarkanda, Olive Green, Staight Wagglers made for maggot and bread fishing on the lower River Ribble this summer. Waggler fishing is something I bave negleted for the last few yearsas I have been enjoying my stick and centerpin fishing too much. I bought a Shimano 3010 GTM last year for light to medium waggler fishing so made some floats for the job. I can also use these on the lower Irwell, again using bread for the bream. Made with sarkanda reed, black and gold threads olive green, white and fluorescent orange day glow paint plus a hand turned brass eye. I am currently making a few more sets but have not decided on the body colours yet. Hopefully I will get some fish and float pictures as soon as the rivers open...... anyway, something to look forward to. 😊 TTFN Peanut. Please subscribe if you would like regular updates of my adventures with the floats I make. If you would like to look at my handcrafted fl...