Trotting The Unknown With The Casterman

I cannot believe it has take me this long to get out with my mate " The Casterman" AKA Derek Kenyon. On this outing we had decided to meet at the venue as I had to be home early so two cars were necessary. Derek arrived first and I rocked up about ten minutes later. " How do " We said to each other. " Its been too long since the last time we wet a line together. We got our kit out quickly and started off towards the river. As we arrived we started looking for some likely holding areas. One run hit me straight away but it was three quarters of the way across the river. Castetman only had thigh waders on, mine were chest waders so, luckily I had the option for that run and I took it gratefully. 😊 Casterman opted for the slower water in the shade of a row of Horse chestnut trees in the hope this would be the home of a shoal of wary chub or even his favourite species . . . . the roach. We both opted for stick floats. I chose a 8 number 4...