Day 3 River Wye - Johns Turn

Morning all. Waking up this morning feeling every bone in my body aching form the last couple of days I decided not to fish but to help John get a barbel on the float. It had proved more difficult than we both anticipated but having some success the day before we were feeling quietly confident of a hook up. For this session we were back to the Wye Lea stretch, fishing from a croy as I did the previous day. The chosen run was further down stream with a lttle more even flow, much easier to run a float through that the previous one the day before. I borrowed John my set up and he was fishing withing 10 minutes. John balled in some ground bait and steadily feed pellt with meat on a size 6 hook as bait. After another 10 minutes Johns float thumped under at the end of the trot. The Harrison SU doubled over in protest. I thought we had cracked it straight way. After a few more minutes John shook his head and said " Nar. it's a chub mike, a good one, but a chub. I did the honours and ...