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Welcome to my current live float page. 2021 - Present. Feel free look and comment on anything you see. Here is a link to my previous float page 2017 - 2021 Fluted Slate Grey Avons comimg in at 4.8g which are lighter than I wanted but as they say....its all a learning curve!!! 😊 . . . . . . . . . .  Green, yellow & red is not a combnation that readly springs to mind but after an hour free styling one evening I came up with this . . . . . . . . . . .  I have been promising myself that I would make some more... "Heavy Irwell Sticks With Hardwood Stems"  since the trip to the River Wye with John Derbyshire. . . . . . . . . . .  More Antenne Wagglers this week. Two at 5AAA & Two at 5BB. . . . . . . . . . .  I fancied making some more "5AAA Antennae Wagglers" as they are my go to float on slow running rivers fishing for roach and bream down the middle wind permitting. . . . ....

Double, Stepped, Inserted Wagglers With Fine Tips

  Morning all, The next float is a double stepped version of the previous pattern called a..... "Double Stepped, Inserted Waggler with A Fine Tip" for silver fishing. Weight capacity for the new, green float is approximately 5 BB plus or 2.0 g....ish. I have finish one out of two floats and have taken a picture of the previous pattern to illistrate the differences between the two floats. (The new one has another step and is slightly larger) Both patterns will work equally well I, personally, just prefere the latest float. I shall be trying both these out when after stillwater roach in the coming months I have two main uses for these floats.  The first will be standard on the drop fishing in the summer months in ponds and lakes use smaller baits. The second will be once again, for on the drop fishing but this time on rivers.  Once finished the self cocking dart version of this patter...

Inserted Stick Floats

 I have been asked many times to make some of these floats by Derek Kenyon. (Sorry it has taken so long pal) With a little time on my hands the last month or so I have been able to get to the lathe for a little turning session. I managed to turn twelve bodies in all ranging from 8 to 16 no 4s using carbon and also aluminium for the stem materials with all floats approximately twenty four centimeters long. The carbon stem floats, taking a higher amount of shot are for the deeper, slower rivers I fish. The main target species being roach, skimmers and perch just off the bottom and in the last third of the water. The aluminium stem floats give more stability and are suited for shallower rivers with a little more pace for fishing off the bottom and in the middle layers. A friend of ours Tony has had some really good sessions using his version of this float pattern and has shown me the way so I have also made him one for him also. Mr Boyne will be trying one out also if I can get his re...

Heavy Avons With An Aluminium Stem

 Morning everyone, I am back making some more heavy river floats. All are made from balsa in the new chocolate brown, 6 x 10g (6 Swan +) Avons with Alloy Stems, a 1x7g Heavy Fluted Avon with an alloy stem and finally a 1x4g (5AAA) Crow Quil Avon, a first for me belive it or not !!! Paints used were white, fluorescent red/orange and chocolate brown. Theads used were red, black, purple and Blush gold. Mainly for the rivers  Trent and Wye this year. The Futted and Crow Quil Avons with get a little more use, especially the Crow Quill Avon as it is of a weight to be used more regularly on most of the rivers I fish. Until the next time………. TTFN Peanut. If you would like to look at all of the hand crafted floats I make please click on the link below and it will take you to my float page. Is free to join !!!!! Join Salford Friendly Anglers for free and help us fight pollution. http://salfor...

Antennae Bodied Tench and Crucians.

 Morning all, I have just lut the finishing touches on a pair of "Antennae Bodied Wagglers" This set are amide at catching Tench and Crucians at a close to medium distance.  This pair have been made without eyes so they may be attached via a rubber band or a silicone adaptor. A coat of glow in the dark yellow was added to enable fishing past sunset. Both made with balsa and harwood, black and gold whippings plus green, white, pink/red fluorescent and glow in the dark yellow paint. Until the next time………. TTFN Peanut. If you would like to look at all of the hand crafted floats I make please click on the link below and it will take you to my float page. Is free to join !!!!! Join Salford Friendly Anglers for free and help us fight pollution.

Irwell Sticks With Alloy Stems - Stained For Shallow Fishing

 Hi all, I have been laid up the last few weeks, off work and recovering after an operation and I am under doctors orders,  "No heavy lifting/fishing for 6-8  weeks !!!!!  😭😭😭😭 Before my operation I inspected my float box, To my surprise it was devoid of my favoutite shallow water river float  "The Irwel Stick" During the Christmas period I managed to almost complete these floats, up unril the lacquering stage anyway. Over the weekend I managed to complete lacquering, finishing the set. (Not a matching set, 2 are slightly smaller for certain runs I have ) For these floats I have enhanced the natural pattern of the balsa wood with an oak stain The paints used on this project were white and fluorescent orange. Threads used were black red and blush gold. It has a slightly modified shape, more like a rugby ball but with a shoulder, pefect for fishing up to three foot deep when after the most likely species while long trotting : Grayling  Barbel Chub  D...