Welcome to my current live float page. 2021 - Present. Feel free look and comment on anything you see. Here is a link to my previous float page 2017 - 2021 https://purplepeanut007.blogspot.com/2017/01/handcrafted-floats-and-fishing.html?m=1 Fluted Slate Grey Avons comimg in at 4.8g which are lighter than I wanted but as they say....its all a learning curve!!! 😊 . . . . . . . . . . Green, yellow & red is not a combnation that readly springs to mind but after an hour free styling one evening I came up with this . . . . . . . . . . . I have been promising myself that I would make some more... "Heavy Irwell Sticks With Hardwood Stems" since the trip to the River Wye with John Derbyshire. . . . . . . . . . . More Antenne Wagglers this week. Two at 5AAA & Two at 5BB. . . . . . . . . . . I fancied making some more "5AAA Antennae Wagglers" as they are my go to float on slow running rivers fishing for roach and bream down the middle wind permitting. . . . ....