Roach On The Ribble With Andrew Boyne

I have been struggling to get on the river I want to lately due to the rain but a conversation with Andrew Boyne got my batteries charged and my mojo firing !!!!! The Ribble was at least 2 metres up at 12.00 pm last night so this was going to be a proper gamble !!!!!! The alarm went off at 5.30 and a quick check on the river level revealed that is was dropping fast !!!!!! " This could pay off " I thought. I headed off down the M61 to meet Boynie. He was waiting for me at the some noted pegs. " She dropping fast but still high Mike" came the enthusiastic deep mumble from Mr Boyne as he scanned the rivers features. We both pondered the runs in front of us for a moment. " These are not for me today Mr Boyne " said I. " I am going further upstream " Boynie fancied a further walk so we left the well know fliers and headed to the pegs we thought more suitable. Boynie was the first into a fish, a good dace, then another an...