Tailor Made Floats For A Young Maestro !!!!!! PART ONE

I was minding my own business over Christmas playing with my floats when my phone buzzed. I flicked on messenger....... It was from young Kaydan McCarthy. " I need a pair floats Mike...... The first one is an Irwell Stick....... but with a difference...... I need it Jumbo size. 3AAA if possible " ? I know where he will be using this on the River Irwell but I won't steal his thunder and tell you exactly where. 😉 This is a little different due to its size than standard Irwell Stick. It's made from balsa for starters ......... I have also used a stainer on this float for the fist time and I am quite please with the results. Black, violet, metallic grey and gold where the threads used. Here is Kayden McCarthys Jumbo Irwell Stick. I hope this catches you a few " Irwell Beasts " young man. 😉 The next float ...... The Pike float should be ready shortly. TTFN Peanut. If you would like to look at my handcrafted...