Peanut & The Ginger Assassin Hit The River Yarrow

Both John and I finally got round to our River Yarrow trip. We have both been looking forward to this for a long time as next to nothing is known ( by us ) about this little river. We were hoping for chub roach and dace but any fish from a new river would be most welcome. We tackled up next to the van as it would be easier to do so. Once ready we walked over to the field which the river flowed though. As we approached the river John stopped dead in his tracks . . . . . “ Is that Hogweed Mike “ ? “ Unfortunately yes it is mate “ I replied. Hogweed is a horrible invasive species which gives u a very nasty burn . If it gets into your eyes it can actually blind you . . . . . Horrid stuff ! ! ! ! Hogweed Hogweed Burns Click the link for more information on Hogweed A little down hearted we fought through the Japanese Knot weed down to a VERY small wild river...