Inserted Stick Floats

I have been asked many times to make some of these floats by Derek Kenyon. (Sorry it has taken so long pal) With a little time on my hands the last month or so I have been able to get to the lathe for a little turning session. I managed to turn twelve bodies in all ranging from 8 to 16 no 4s using carbon and also aluminium for the stem materials with all floats approximately twenty four centimeters long. The carbon stem floats, taking a higher amount of shot are for the deeper, slower rivers I fish. The main target species being roach, skimmers and perch just off the bottom and in the last third of the water. The aluminium stem floats give more stability and are suited for shallower rivers with a little more pace for fishing off the bottom and in the middle layers. A friend of ours Tony has had some really good sessions using his version of this float pattern and has shown me the way so I have also made him one for him also. Mr Boyne will be trying one out also if I can get his re...