Heavy Inverted Tear Drop Fluted Avon With A Hardwood Stem

Hi all, I have found a float I had forgotton about from last year. A Heavy, Inverted, Tear Drop, Fluted Avon With A Hardwood Stem. Once again this is inteded for the Wye this coming summer. Intended for use with bigger baits this float takes more weight than the aluminium stem versions made previously coming in at appromimately 8g. Paints used were olive green, white and fluorescent orange. Threads used were black and gold. A simple enough float but a design I personally like a lot. TTFN Peanut. Please subscribe if you would like regular updates of my adventures with the floats I make. If you would like to look at my handcrafted floats click on the link below. https://purplepeanut007.blogspot.com/2021/02/handcrafted-floats-fishing-equipment.html?m=1 Join our club......Salford Friendly Anglers...........Its FREE !!!!!!! http://salfordfriendlyanglers.co.uk/join/