Inserted 50:50 Camo Green Wagglers + Heavy Hardwood Stem Irwell Sticks

Happy New Year All. This quartet are my last floats of 2023. Inserted 50:50 Small Camo Green Wagglers + Heavy Hardwood Stem Irwell Sticks. The wagglers will mainly be used for tench at close quarters, the sticks for bigger baits on faster, shallow river stretches. Wagglers are Sarkanda and the sticks are balsa, all with hardwood stems. I have looked at the river many times overr the Christmas period without finding a decent period to fish. Lets hope the new year is a little more clement. Tight lines and Happy New Year. TTFN Peanut. Please subscribe if you would like regular updates of my adventures with the floats I make. If you would like to look at my handcrafted floats click on the link below. Join our club......Salford Friendly Anglers...........Its FREE !!!!!!!