Turing A Table Leg For "The Casterman"

Something a little different today. A good friend of mine Derek Kenyon AKA "The Casterman" asked me to copy a leg for a chair that had been through the wars and had lots of sentimental value for Derek. He has also been getting a bit of grief off his mrs as I have had the piece for months so I needed to get it done asap. I have never turnd a table leg before so this was a sharp learning curve for me. (A good job Salford Pete was on hand to help and advise) 😁😁😁😁😁 I only had dried one piece of square dried pine to use and I turned it to round previously. After marking all the high and low points on the leg I started turning the pine into the shape I wanted. I wont go into to detail but after a few hours me and the old man had finished. After completion a few pictures were taken and sent to Derek for approval. I got the approval from Derek and fished off. After finishing the peice I had a thought........ " I wonder if I could make some trout and grayling net handles ...