Hardwood stemmed Stick Floats

Hi all, Below are two floats I have had on the go for a while. Both floats are turned from balsa fitted with a ferruled hard wood stem. The larger float is for deeper water and the shorter float is for faster, shallower runs. Finished with a grey painted body, fluorescent orange tip, with black and slate whippings. I have made these for pin fishing hopefully on the Yorkshire Derwent this winter using bread as bait. I hope you like them. TTFN Peanut. If you would like to look at my handcrafted floats click on the link below. https://purplepeanut007.blogspot.com/2017/01/handcrafted-floats-and-fishing.html?m=1 Join our club......Its FREE !!!!!!! http://salfordfriendlyanglers.co.uk/join/