Irwell Sticks - Stream Trotting with Adam Mack

Hi all, I haven't been fishing since the last time I ventured out with Adam Mack but managed an aftetnoon yesterday on a couple of intimate streams most anglers would walk past. After some previous assistance from Adam I gifted him with one of my 5 no 4 Irwell Sick Floats below..... I'm not to happy as he used it better than I did on this outing.....🤬 Not the best days fishing as Adam would admit.....but caught a few and as always a good laugh in his company. The plus side with going with Adam is its always a work out for me. He pushes me the go scrambling up and down swims a mountain goat would think twice about. 😆😆😆😆😆😆 Looking for ward to the next one Adam. Always a pleasure my friend. ............. Adam Mack putting an Irwell Stick to work on an intimate stream we fished yesterday Irwell Stick Floats. Prime Irwell Stick territory. No lumps for me on this occasion but Adam had a couple just to show me what these stream can produce. TTFN Peanut...