
Showing posts from September, 2016

Secret Cliff Peg - Chublets & An Irwell Dunking !!!!!!!!!!!

I had forgottento do this write up. . . . . . I decided to have another quick hour on the same peg I caught that nice brown trout from  but, unfortunately, it didn't go according to plan. Two chublets and the rivers full population of minnows graced my net. After of arm aching minnow bashing session I packed up and moved to pastures new......... I have been getting out a little more lately so I decided for a change. There is a little known run on the middle Irwell that I have never fished that was going to be crossed of the bucket list today . 😉 I had been warned about the rivers current here  because you have to wade accros it and the river also narrows up next to a sheer cliff face.  I carefully inched over the bedrock to the other side of the river to gain access to the run only known by a few. The journey to the run was not to bad, as I have said, I crossed the river in around two foot of water. It was not as bad as I was expecting it to be to be hone...

River Yarrow Part 2 - Silver City. Roving With The Ginger Assasin.

Both myself and the Ginger One have been longing to go back to the . . . . . . Little River Yarrow in Bolton to continue our  . . . " Search For Silvers ". The last time we fished it we hammered the trout but only caught one silver between us which was a little disappointing.  We were a little low on bait so we called into "Adlington Angling Centre "  to stock up on some bits. John is a regular at the shop and introduced me to the owner, Andrew Gibbs. A nice guy with a top shop. Andrew sorted us out with our bits and bait. We had a chat about the days horse racing then we hit the road.  John has located a nice stretch of the River Yarrow to fish as the river is in his back yard and directed me to a stretch where he had walked but never fished. We tackle up, while chatting, donned our waders and clumped up the path to the first of Johns secret sections . . . . . . “ I’ve seen chub here Peanut . . . . . . loads of them “  said ...

River Irwell Silver Bars - A Smash & Grab Session with " The Casterman

Work has been getting me down lately so a chance call from Derek Kenyon was most welcome and saw us meeting up at some new pegs " The boys " . . . .  Derek Casterman Kenyon & Dave Hovis  have cut out on the Middle Irwell which gave me the motivation I needed. Arriving first I had the pick one of the pegs. I picked one that visually looked the best but after two or three trots down I realised that the run was a little shallow and moved up one to try it out. The new swim was much deeper and I was more comfortable with it. By this time a deep thoated  â€œ Aye up lad “  echoes through the undergrowth and a head popped out of the foliage It was  . . .  “ The Casterman “  He was buzzin as was I.  We haven’t been out together for a VERY long time and very fitting it should be on the Irwell. We both new I had the best peg. Casterman was talking me through his last Irwell session when his phone sings into life . . . .. . It was Phil Cla...