Barbel Stick Float - Independant Review By Andrew Boyne .

Barbel Stick Float Independant Review By Andrew Boyne Andrew approached me a few weeks ago to see if I would like my Barbel Stick Floats reviewing indipendantly. Andrew is a respected angler and the holder of the River Irwell Wild Brown Trout record. Not caught on my floats may I Here is his un-edited review below. -------------- Sometimes it's the little things in life that give us the most happiness. Take the humble fishing float for example. It was with great joy that I received my beautifully hand crafted Barbel Stick last Thursday, a creation of expert local Float maker Mike Cootes. Feather Inlayed Barbel Stick Floats It was an anxious few days before I could get to the River Ribble but I finally got to give it a run through the Ribble this afternoon. It was a really enjoyable afternoons fishing watching a lovely float meander down the river. First run down produced a Brown Trout which did it's best t...